Comply With Building Biology Standards

EMF Survey Services
An EMF Survey is a thorough inspection of EMF & RF levels within the surveyed property, which could be your existing home or one you intend to buy or rent.
There are two kinds of EMF commonly found in the home: low frequency and radio-frequency EMF.
Low-frequency EMF comes from electrical power lines, substations, underground cables, house wiring and electrical appliances.
Our electromagnetic environment has significantly changed over the last decade. New technologies and the wireless world are exposing us to unknown quantities of electromagnetic radiation. Bluetooth, WLAN, wireless, modulated and pulsed signals, time and code division multiplexing are now abundant in our daily lives. High frequency radiation is used for wireless signal transmission and is usually referred to as radio frequency (RF) and microwave radiation.
Radio-frequency EMF is emitted from many external sources. including radio and TV transmitters, mobile phone masts. cell towers and Cellular base stations (“Hot Spots”) are being established inside commercial buildings, on street lamp posts and on towers across from residential buildings. There are also many wired and wireless radio transmitters in the home.
A survey will include for low-frequency EMF and radio-frequency EMF.

What Does An ( Electro Magnetic Radiation) EMR-Survey Involve?
- Our EMRS (Electro magnetic radiation specialist) will survey each room of the property.
- More often EMF hotspots are localised, effecting one part of the house over others.
- An EMF survey starts at €140.
- A written report will be given to the client on the day of the survey.
- Remediation carried out on the day. (If requested).
- The report will include our evaluation of any EMF health risks, a comparison of site EMF Levels to official Building Biology Standards
- Our remediation techniques for EMF exposure and suggestive protective measures will be outlined in accordance to Building Biology Standards.
Book Your Emf Consultation Today
Use our online form below to book an Inspection.
We will be in touch shortly to confirm.
If you have any questions about our home EMF Inspection please email us at [email protected]
The electromagnetic radiations tested and the equipment used to take the measurements are listed below:
AC Electric Fields – Produced by the presence of household electricity. Their strength is determined by voltage; the higher the voltage or number of sources, the stronger the field.
Equipment Used – Gigahertz Solutions – NFA1000, Trifield TF2
AC Magnetic Fields – Any device or appliance that consumes electricity will produce an AC Magnetic Field. The intensity or strength of the magnetic field is directly related to the power consumption of the device.
Equipment Used – Gigahertz Solutions – NFA1000, Trifield TF2
Radio Frequency – They are a core component of our wireless communication infrastructure. These
high energy, airborne waves, are capable of travelling miles and include 5G technology.
Equipment Used – HFE59B Radio Frequency Analyzer, Safe and Sound Pro
Dirty Electricity – Spikes and surges of electromagnetic energy travelling along power lines and building wiring where only standard 50/60 Hertz AC electricity should be.
Prices Start at €140. Within the Regions Highlighted. Submit Request for Further Information.

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